1. Playbook
  2. Style Guide

Setting-up Datopian Мarkdown Style in VS Code

We use David Anson's VS Code markdownlint as the basis for our markdown rules.

Installation of markdownlint plug-in to VS Code

Open VS Code and go to Extensions or Ctrl + Shift + X(Windows) or CMD + Shift + X (Mac OS). Then type markdownlint, select Markdownlint by David Anson and install it. Additional detailed installation instructions can be found on David Anson's GitHub repository.

Optional you can install Mermaid markdown plug-in to create nice flow charts in markdown.

Change VS Code settings.json file

Open File -> Preferences -> Settings or use Ctrl + , (Windows) or CMD + , (Mac OS) and edit settings.json file. You can also access settings.json quickly by opening the command palette CMD + Shift + P (Mac OS) or Ctrl + Shift + P(Windows)) and type settings.json

Add the following content to this file.

"markdownlint.config": {
  "MD007": { "indent": 2 },
  "MD022": { "lines_above": 1,
             "lines_below": 1 },
  "MD024": { "siblings_only": true },
  "no-bare-urls": false,
  "no-inline-html": {
    "allowed_elements": [

so the settings.json looks similar to the following

    "python.pythonPath": "some_path\\python.exe",
    "git.autofetch": true,
    "markdownlint.config": {
      "MD007": { "indent": 2 },
      "MD022": { "lines_above": 1,
                 "lines_below": 1 },
      "MD024": { "siblings_only": true },
      "no-bare-urls": false,
      "no-inline-html": {
        "allowed_elements": [

Now just save the modified settings.json configuration file. Your markdown linting settings are activated and ready for use.